
Friday, November 1, 2013

Desk Makeover

Last year a neighbor of mine, was putting a desk on the curb. She knew I painted furniture, and asked if I may want it. I, of course, love a good project, so I said sure. I sooo wanted to paint it, but time had been an issue...I didn't have any. So it sat in the garage for a long time. It was sort of haunting me, and taking up space that I needed for my clients' furniture. So...I finally decided to tackle it.

 The fun thing with about painting piece for nobody, is you get to do whatever you want to it. 
Originally the piece had been painted a light caramel color, with a very heavy, navy crackled paint on top. 
This piece took alot of stripper...I mean alot! A good amount of sanding too.
I applied  2 colors of paint, with wax in different areas, between coats. 
The wax keeps some of the paint from adhering, and makes it easier to sand it back off.
 I let this dry a day or two first, so the paint wasn't gummy, and broke out the electric palm sander. You can really change how much pressure you apply in certain areas. It also saves your finger tips. One to may times, have I sanded my fingerprints right off aging a piece.  For the top coat, to seal,  I used a brown wax. 
I love how it came out!

I had to end up giving this to a friend, since I dint have any room in the house for it. I considered putting it in my daughters room, but she has way to much crap stuff, and two drawers weren't enough!

If you have a piece of furniture that needs a change, grab some paint, and maybe some heavy duty stripper...Or, drop it off at my house!

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