
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Richard the Lion

Happy Wednesday...we are counting down to Halloween here. The kids are sooo excited! Braeden asks me everyday if we are going trick-or-treating tonight. 
I, on the other hand, am feeling the pressure of making costumes. But we did finally decide on the kids costumes... I have been sewing away, and lets just say there is animal fur, all over my house. Braeden may have a hairball from ingesting to much :) Can't wait to show you!

 I wanted to share some pictures I just got, from a customers party. 
It was a circus theme, for her daughter Graces's, 2nd birthday.

She used the super cute, "Richard" the lion for the cake topper. 

He looks very regal on top of this cake, crown and all! 

Check out  that cake, she made it herself.
I love to bake, but im scared of fondant, so I steer clear. I think she did a great job! 
She adorned  it with a blinged out "2".
After the party, Richard found a new home, in her daughters room.  He sits atop a sign she made for the party, of her daughters name. It was a project her dad helped her take on. 
Here is what she did...
"I used an old shelf to mount the letters on (I got a sample pot of grey paint from a local DIY store). The letters are paper mâché sprayed with red glitter craft spray (I primed them first). The lights are a set of old outdoor bulb lights. I evenly marked out where I wanted the lights to go n the letters and also did the same on the wood (I drew round the letters on the wooden shelf). My lovely Dad then drilled through the holes on the wood using a small drill bit. We then glued the letters to the wood and drilled through the wood again and into the letters. We finally pushed the bulbs through the wood and into the letters so they just poked through and fixed any excess lights/wires to the back of the wood. It took a while to do (particularly the drilling) but it was well worth it! It looks so effective! We switch it on every evening!"

 I love it! So kind of people!! This is such a cute idea to put in a kids room, you can use it as a night light, or as a starter to their career on Broadway...Their name in lights!!!

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